• Next Meeting: Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • *Major Event*

      Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)

      Event details can be found here.

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Trackstar Racing | Info | Results | 2018 | Saturday 14 April

Latest Results

  • Saturday 21st September

    Saturday 21st September

    Micro Bangers: 869 Jamie Steele. 1300cc Stock Cars: 303 Jacob Bromley. Junior Bangers: 609 Levi Murkin Unlimited Lady Bangers: 841 Sharon Jennings

    Updated: 25 Sep 2024 16:04

  • Saturday 7th September

    Saturday 7th September

    Unlimited Bangers: 639 Tye Williams. 2L Saloon Stock Cars: 349 Michael Allard

    Updated: 13 Sep 2024 12:06

  • Next Meetings

    • Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)
    • Sunday 08 December - 13:00
    • Unlimited Banger Nutcracker + 25 & Under Champ of GB & 1600cc Banger National Championship
    • Sunday 29 December - 13:00
    • Xmas Cracker - 2L Stock Cars, F2 Stock Cars, Micro Banger Teams + Classic Cars R Us Junior Bangers

Latest Points

Saturday 14 April

Pictures: Damien Widdows
Words: Keith Organ


A good number of cars across all formulas were in attendance 14th April for the last Easter holiday event of 2018; providing another evening of top notch entertainment at the Adrian Flux Norfolk Arena.

Micro bangers

The micro bangers turned out in great numbers, just shy of the 80 booked in, a full two heats, consolation and Final format adopted.

Heat 1 saw 35 cars take to the track, action was short but sweet first thing as Anthony Bonnett (485) was followed in to turn 3 and rolled over, prompting the red flags. On the restart Luke Maynard (43) took in Alex Utting (548) and a big collision up in turn 1 followed of about 5 cars, again, the red flags being called for. A lap sheet order restart, Jon Bailey (247) leads them off. Maynard (43) and Jack Licquorice (511) soon came to blows in turn 1. Liam Stark (887) attacked the George Hill (395) machine and tries to follow him in to the stranded Bonnett (485) car. Licquorice (511) turned it round in turn 1 and takes on Bailey (247) taking out the leader Hill (395) in the process too. Jack Maryon (212) waded in, jacking anything in his path. James Liquorice (51) dives in on Stark (887) as the other Licquorice (511) blitzed Mickey Clarke (147). Maryon (212) caught a tyre and was sent in to roll in turn 1 but a quick thumbs up and he drove away, all ok. 511 was then jacked by 247 who was then blitzed by 212 to finish out an excellent heat 1 and good battle between Team Allsorts and Young Guns.

Heat 2 and another 36 cars took to the track. Josh Smith (547) struggled to move at the green and was duly jacked. Jonny Atkin (399) followed in Aaron Colbert (121) square into the turn 3 plating; Aaron Mann (143) and Sam Coote (155) unfortunately collide with Colbert, just as the red flags came out. On the rerun Danny Jenkins (461) run the Bradley Mccarthy (31) machine in to Jordan Eagle (702). As Jake Burgess (312) thunders 661 into the parked cars in turn 3. Kieron Bowman (178) annihilates the stuck 312 machine just as Mccarthy (31) was blitzed by Jason Smy (138) in turn 3. 661 then turned it round on Smy (138). Mccarthy (31) was slowly backing out from the pile up and was caught by Tony Pallett (566) in the process to end the main action of another lively heat for the bangers.

The consolation saw 28 cars look to do battle for the last chance to make the Final grid. At the green,  Lee Bond (274) was attacked by the 990 machine, shortly before 630 was done by Bradley Mccarthy (31), who was then in turn blitzed by Brett Judge (110). Jason Smy (138) was then rattled around the plating by 451. The 821 machine took both Brett Jackson (551) and Andy Betts (107) in to turn 3, Betts left stranded waiting to be jacked; James Licquorice (51) duly obliged, steaming in to the 107 machine. The race ending with Jackson (551) on his roof. Paul Sweet (452) the winner.

The Banger final attracted another healthy field of 34 cars; James Licqourice (51) quickly turned it round, but was promptly met head-on from Jonny Atkin (399); Ben Green (634) seized the opportunity and steamed in on Atkin (399). The race settled down, but Green (634) was still putting the hits about; next blitzing Mat Walker (542). Carl Hough (545) rolled over which prompted the chequered and red flags to end the quietest banger race of the evening.

 The all comers event saw another full field of 40 cars. The opening lap saw carnage ensue; Steve Lillywhite (678) being blown up by Kieran Bowman (178) the pick of the bunch. Richard Colk (509) rolled over but quickly flipped back onto all four wheels; waved yellows were called. Brett Jackson (551) was attacked by Lee Barnes (41) on the restart, who was then run into by Luke Maynard (43). Liam Stark (887) turned it round for Maynard (43); and was collected by Kieran Gray (123) and Kieran Challis (666). The red flags were called for due to a fire on the Licqourice (51) machine. The restart was led off by Lee White (830), with Darren Fendley (673) in second, Fendley tried to take out the 830 car; but to no avail, White got the break and raced off to the win. 

The Destruction Derby resumed straight on from the all comers; a handful joined the 5 or so left running from the all comers. Steve Lillywhite (678) turned it round for 898 who was then jacked by Licquorice (511). Everyone naturally piled in. The red flags were called for. 10 cars for the restart; which saw them all pile in the home straight again, one after the other. The red flags were again called for. The green dropped Kieran Bowman (178) was the man in charge as he went in on Kieran Fry (321); Bowman (178) then took on Cameron Hubbard (624). Hubbard retaliated and stormed back in on Bowman. Fry (321) still running turned it round and met Bowman head on allowing Hubbard to wade in Bowman. The final crunch saw Chris Hornbrook (65) steam in on Hubbard. Hornbrook the last car running.


1300cc Stock Cars

Unfortunately I lost my notes from the Whites and Yellows race, but congratulations to Charlie Ellis (555) taking the victory in that one, with Conner Sheldrake (535) and Dean Quinsee (287) the top three in that one.

Race 2 took to the track with a grid of 28 cars, soon after the green Scott Sparrow (781) was left broadside on back straight after getting caught up in an early melee; he was then duly collected by Charlie Morphey (92) and Andrew Mathieson (124), who also was sent sideways. Dave Osbourne (174) was fired in by Martin Taylor (422) in to turn 3. Osbourne 174 then went for a spin in the back straight, much like the earlier incident he was then collected by Luke Jackson (450) and Dan Booth (216). Megan Petherick (228) was the race leader, but she was coming under fire from Connor Sheldrake (535). Sheldrake soon got the better of Petherick and took over the running. Backmarkers played their part and slowed Sheldrake, but it was Petherick who came off worse as she collected the backmarkers and went into a half spin, helped out by Luke Leedell (191). Charlie Morphey (92) was taken to the fence by Dan Moore (681); the pair were then joined in a battle to the flag by Andrew Milner (560), Booth and Petherick. Sheldrake taking the win.

Race 3 and 21 cars emerged for battle. Brandon Mayes (730) leads them off in pole position; but only momentarily as he was quickly passed by Dean Moat (473) who was also battling Marshall Waldron (93) for first position. Further back in the field, it seemed half the grid were fighting and jostling for position; trading bumpers and clattering the plating. Leading Star grader Kevin Shinn (400) car was in trouble and lost all power, as the pack thundered in on each other.  At the lap boards it was Waldron and Barry Clow (17) who battled for the lead; Waldron managing to survive and keep out in front to take the chequered.  

The 1300 final drew the biggest field with 30 cars taking part. The race was soon under waved yellows for Conner Sheldrake (535) and Cark Morgan (42) who were both left broadside across the track across the track. The restart saw Dean Quinsee (287) take up the running, but he was soon being challenged by Megan Petherick (228), despite the 228 machine smoking heavily in the corners. Martin Taylor (422) then launched Andrew Mathieson (124) in to the turn 3 fence; which launched a tremendous battle between them and another about 6 cars squabbling for places outside the top ten, which included most of the red grade. Back up front though, Petherick (228) was pulling a gap out in the lead. Dave Osbourne (174) spins in the back straight whilst battling with Jack Wilkins (690), Wilkins sent towards the marker tyre sending water flying. Waved yellows were called for and Petherick’s (228) lead had now gone. Charlie Ellis (555) lined up behind in 2nd and Ben Englestone (769) in 3rd. The restart saw a war rage for the minor places with the fence taking a pounding, a number of drivers battled it out – Kevin Shinn (400), Mathieson (124), Dan Booth (216) Ian Beaumont (713) and Andrw Milner (560) all involved. At the lap boards Dan Weavers (333) and Beaumont (713) collide; Beaumont coming off worse as he was sent towards a marker tyre. Into the last lap, Ellis (555) was not close enough for a last bender assault allowing Petherick to take the chequered flag in her third meeting in saloons since graduating from lady bangers. Unfortunately Petherick was removed from the result during post race checks, Ellis inheriting the win.

It was a great night of racing from the 1300 Stock Cars all round.


2 litre Stock Cars

Once again in good numbers, the 2 litre stock cars had a good field of quality and quantity; getting in valuable track time for the World Final event here in August.

First up, the customary Whites and yellow race which featured 16 cars plus Deane Mayes (730) who was given special dispensation for practise to bed in the smart new car. Tyler Bloomfield (502) on pole let the field around. Ryan Santry (389) was an early race casualty, taking a spin in turn 3 and then duly clobbered by the chasing pack. Neil Payne (312) soon took over the lead ahead of Bloomfield (502) in second and Tom Balls (425) in third. Tom Alsopp (537) collided with a marker tyre taking with him Jack Rust (172) and Marty Lake (273). Bloomfield (502) muscled his way to the lead just before the lap boards. In a jostle to the line Andrew Shipp (51) spun Jack Rust (172) over the line. Bloomfield (502) taking the win.

Heat 1 and the full field of 30 cars lined up. Tom Balls (425) took up pole position and led them off at the green flag; Luke Dorling (120) missed the start and dropped back seemingly struggling with no power. A loud crunch came from turn 3 as Lewis Gallie (182) and Tom Parrin (350) collided in a big way; just as Ryan Santry (389) was also taken in by Timmy Barnes (131) just before the yellow flags. On the restart Michael Allard (349) was taken round by Jacob Roff (99). Matt Fuller (270) took Carl Pears (409) to the fence, just as Shane Emerson (888) retired. Gallie (182) was once again in the thick of the action spinning Pears (409) to the marker tyres. Tom Alsop (537) landed the bumper in on National Points leader Cole Atkins (399) as both were then under attack by Tommy Barnes (26); Barnes (131) your mid race leader. Further down the order, the pack was bunching, the sound of clashing metal filling the arena as they all jostled for position. Thomas Howard (30) was one who was taken to the plating by Jack Rust (172); Rust was then spun around by Dorling (120) and Atkins (399) was also taken out to the fence by Barnes (26). The race leader Barnes (131) was coming under attack from Willie Skoyles JNR (641); Skoyles quickly getting by Barnes to take over. Backmarker Roff (99) held up Barnes (131) allowing Skoyles to break away and take the win. 

Heat 2 drew out 30 cars once again. Neil Payne (312) starting on pole. The arena filled with the noise of clashing metal; more so after Tommy Barnes (26) landed Cole Atkins (399) up the plating. Long distance traveller Ross Graham (671) was spun around in turn 3 in front of the pack and was collected several times by the field. The waved yellows were called for. Carl Pears (409) was the leader on the restart as Tom Balls (425) and Jacob Roff (99) collided and collected the marker tyres. The leader Pears (409) was taken round by Tommy Barnes (26) to take over the running. The lap boards were soon out for Barnes with Willie Skoyles Jnr (641) not far behind in second. Further back Diggy Smith (116) was as usual thick among the action and launched Michael Allard (349) in the fence in turn 3. Skoyles tried for a last bender on Barnes, but the number 26 machine held on and took the chequered flag, a great debut for the new car. 

 25 cars returned for the Final; Matt Fuller (270) starting on pole. Tyler Bloomfield (502) was the first causality taking a spin; just as Luke Dorling (120) was spun by Carl Pears (409). Ross Graham (671) was taken round in turn 3; whilst Pears (409) leant Marty Lake (573) up the fence. Cole Atkins (399) was also rattled in to the fence by Deane Mayes (730). Diggy Smith (116) was on the receiving end and took a trip round the plating thanks to Lewis Gallie (182). Tommy Barnes (26) spun round Michael Allard (349); shortly after, the waved yellows were called. Fuller (270) led off the restart Thomas Parrin (350) at the front of a train, was launched to fence as an intense battle raged behind first for the places; Willie Skoyles JNR (641), Daniel Parker (306) and Timmy Barnes (131) all clashed and went fence bound into turn 1; as Barnes was left across the back straight; Tom Yould (214) was putting pressure on Atkins (399) and put him to the fence once more in turn 3. Parker (306) spins it around just before another set of yellow flags. Craig Banwell (128) now the leader with Fuller (270) and Skoyles (641) rounding out the top three. Back in to the race at the green and proceedings settled down in the closing stages. Banwell (128) seemingly pulling away from Skoyles (641) in second. Smith (116) took around Parker (306) in turn 3, Yould (214) unable to avoid, slammed into the 306 machine. At the lap boards Allard (349) was now up to 3rd, but he soon moved by Skoyles (641) in the closing stages to take second, Banwell a clear first place took the chequered flag.  

Another first class night of action at the Adrian Flux Norfolk Arena, next meeting Saturday 28th April @ 5:30. BriSCA F1 Stock Cars return with a World Championship Qualifying Round, the hard hitting 2L Stock Cars return again and all action BriSCA Ministox also in action.



Micro Bangers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 751 330 579 548 65 545 830 36 175 542
Heat 2 624 566 155 69 842 135 673 282 352 41
Consolation 452 430 37 123 887 821 143 747 511 634
Final 330 352 566 548 673 123 830 175 887 37
All Comers 830 673 702 36 394 123 178 821 548 699
Destruction Derby 65
2 Litre Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
W & Y 502 425 312 131 128 99 537 389 409 331
Heat 1 641 131 128 306 671 600 349 730 171 30
Heat 2 26 641 306 171 270 409 182 537 573 172
Final 128 349 641 182 399 116 306 409 171 214
1300cc Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 (W & Y) 555 535 287 730 93 174 690 228 116 241
Heat 2 535 191 129 422 333 287 713 450 400 92
Heat 3 93 17 129 92 390 473 333 713 241 216
Final 555 769 129 93 730 682 92 421 241 149
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img1From the pure adrenaline and Unlimited Power of the F1 Stock Cars to the destruction and crazy antics of the Bangers - you can see it all at the Norfolk Arena! With up to fifty cars in every race, action is guaranteed and here at the Norfolk Arena we encourage “full contact” where spinning and hitting other cars is all part of the racing!

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