• Next Meeting: Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • *Major Event*

      Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)

      Event details can be found here.

    • Advance Discount Tickets

Trackstar Racing | Info | Results | 2019 | Sunday 27 October

Latest Results

  • Saturday 21st September

    Saturday 21st September

    Micro Bangers: 869 Jamie Steele. 1300cc Stock Cars: 303 Jacob Bromley. Junior Bangers: 609 Levi Murkin Unlimited Lady Bangers: 841 Sharon Jennings

    Updated: 25 Sep 2024 16:04

  • Saturday 7th September

    Saturday 7th September

    Unlimited Bangers: 639 Tye Williams. 2L Saloon Stock Cars: 349 Michael Allard

    Updated: 13 Sep 2024 12:06

  • Next Meetings

    • Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)
    • Sunday 08 December - 13:00
    • Unlimited Banger Nutcracker + 25 & Under Champ of GB & 1600cc Banger National Championship
    • Sunday 29 December - 13:00
    • Xmas Cracker - 2L Stock Cars, F2 Stock Cars, Micro Banger Teams + Classic Cars R Us Junior Bangers

Latest Points

Sunday 27 October


Photos: 1- 18 Damien Widdows, 19 - 29 Major Gilbert, 30 - 46 Jim Harrod

Report: Keith Organ


The Halloween Carnival, always a highlight of the Banger Calendar and for the second year was affected by the torrid weather. A hastily arranged date change, originally the Saturday night, moved 24 hours later to the Sunday 27th proving the right decision as the arena basked in Autumn Sunshine, packed terraces and pit area not too greatly affected by the change.

Unlimited Bangers

The first race was the Halloween Supernatural Championship – a race for only Hearse and Limos; 15 cars on track led off by Aaron Nelson (699) who stormed off in to the lead, Tugs Kenway (77) and Sean Harbey (513) the early casualties both sent round in to a spin in the first lap. Liam Jaggard (557) running in Carl Sewell (467) the fence in turn 1, Sewell eventually spun around in turn 3. Sewell then copped a big t-bone off Darren Maltby (503), Julian Grant (83) then went in on the back of Maltby. Maltby kept it facing the wrong way in turn 3 and went after the leader Nelson, t-boning the Omega Limo; whilst up in turn 1; the Hearse of Dave Forest (195) followed in the Hearse of Sean Rowell (277). Jaggard turned it round and jacked the back of Nelson in turn 3, but it was Nicky Young (791) who went on to take the win, Adam Rowell (276) second and Grant finishing third.

The Under 25 Championship was next for the Unlimited Bangers; Matt Tillow (556) led them off; 24 cars on track. The Previa of Lee Barnes (41) creating a smoke screen behind him tripped up a number of the field in the homestraight. The taxi of Callum Lacey (412) was thundered in to the fence in turn 3 by Dalton Smith (662) who in turn was spun around by Spedeworth World Champion Micky Maskell (327); Maskell also sent around by Ryan Leeks (11) and Callum Gill (757). Randell out in front in the lead, Callum Roberts (396) in second and Ashlun Woods (271) holding down third. Lacey was again trouble, attacked in to turn 1 by Roberts, the limping 412 car then had Maskell with no where to go run in the back of the Taxi. The lap boards now out, Woods spun out Roberts to the middle; Liam Hard (747) now promoted to third; Hard attacking the Yank of James Guppy (349); Hard costing himself third as a result as he was bundled in to the marker tyres as a result; Harry Overy (356) catching Hard with a t-bone in the process. Maskell then encountered the limo of Connor Osbourn (214) in the homestraight; Maskell going in to a big roll in the process. Prompting the red flags. Randell declared the winner and Woods second.

Charlie Taylor SNR (510) led off heat 3, 35 cars on track. Taylor SNR tripped up with Shane Fry (831) at the start, ending spun around in turn 1, whilst in turn 3 Charlie Taylor JNR (514) was also taken around. Lewis Harvey (512) was pun around as Dan McSweeney (768) was also taken around into turn 1 by Gary Shaw (164), Shaw then found himself run into the fence by Dave Osbourn (174); as Aaron Keoghan (959) was offered the same by a Predator; a large number of spinners elsewhere around the Arena. Lewis Godfrey (93) was taken around to the fence by Osbourn in turn 3. Osbourn was then offered some of his own treatment; when he was followed in by Julian Grant (83) in turn 1. Aaron Nelson (669) your leader, the race settled in to a steady rhythm until Alan Wombell (32) copped a shot off of Godfrey in turn 3, Godfrey was then blitzed by Ross Cooper (604). Andy Frost (171) turned it round in turn 3 who found Gavin Dampney (660) who had been spun around. Cooper was blitzed by Osbourn. Nicky Young (791) blitzed 381 in the growing pile up in turn 3, the fresh back end of Youngs Hearse proving too much temptation; and Fry duly obliged annihilating Young. The lap boards now out for Nelson. Nicky Bishop (43) went in on the back of Shaw in turn 1; whilst Keoghan turned it round and went in on the back of Bishop. Brett Jackson (551) challenged for the lead and with Nelson collided in to turn 1 collecting Bishop.

Heat 4 was led off by Luke Maynard (43) another full grid of cars on track once again; a number of spinners and cars going in all directions, tripping over one another at the green flag. Jack Deacon (103) had come to a rest against the fence in turn 3 with Julian Grant (83) and Kevin Francis (541); Maynard then stormed in and jacked Deacon. Phil Milner (201) stormed in on the back of Grants limo; Adam Rowell (276) destroyed Milner; Lewis Price (349) offered the same to Rowell. Lee Barnes (41) went in on the back of the Rowell Limo, Price blitzing the back of Barnes Previa shortly after. Price left stuck in the Previa and unable to back out, then had Tommy Callaghan (299) go in the back. Ryan Leeks (11) your leader as the lap boards were presented. Gareth Flatters (515) t-boning Price in the final stages.  Leeks took the win; a hard charging Callum Gill (757) rapidly closing in second and Jonny James (362) in third.

The fifth and final heat was left off by Phil Markham (127); 35 cars on track once more; a number of spinners all down the order at the drop of the green flag. Gareth Flatters (515) the worst affected, battered pillar to post down the homestraight by The Shunters. Red flags called for around the raceway. A complete restart called for; led off by Lewis Price (349). A number of cars pile in to the Liam Hard (747) machine in turn 3, whilst Charlie Taylor (514) took around Aaron Keoghan (959) in turn 1. Another red flagged called for around the track. Take three and Markham once again led the field away. Lewis Harvey (512) was quickly run in by Luke Maynard (43). Taylor spun around Ashlun Woods (271) in turn 1; collecting Kieran Bowman (178) and Kevin Francis (541) who run into the back of Taylor with nowhere to go, Lee White (830) also getting caught up; copped a shot off of James Ellis (85). Taylor turned it round in turn 3 and went after Shane Fry (831) catching him with a t-bone. Rhys Mills (902) also facing the wrong way, lined up Woods for a head on. Markham went in on Mills, whilst Francis blitzed the back of Woods. Billy Bond (72) then went in on the back of Mills, as Fry turned it round and stormed in on the back of Taylor in turn 1; Francis then dived in on the back of Bond; the infamous Granada Coupe no more. Yellow flags called for. Russell Gill (77) your leader on the restart; just a handful of cars on the restart. The number of cars circulating meant not to much happened; ticking off the laps with ease. Markham spun around Charlie Taylor SNR (510) in turn 3; Markham keeping it facing the wrong way went in on the back of Taylor. The lap boards out for Gill; who kept clear of White to take the win, Taylor SNR finishing third; snaking across the line at the chequered flag, Taylor was blitzed by Fry in to turn 1.

40 cars on track for the final Callum Woods (396) starting in pole; Liam Jaggard (557) and Aaron Nelson (699) spin in turn 1; the field pile in. Darren Fendley (673) also going round in to a spins in turn 2; Shane Fry (831) now your leader. Callum Henderson (323) turned it round in turn 2 and jacked James Martin (115), Dan McSweeney (768) also turning it round catching Fry in the homestraight; the field pile in. Rikki Finney (455) in on Russell Gill (77); Curtis Rathbone (174) doing the same to Tommy Callaghan (299). Kieran Bowman (178) your leader. Gill in further trouble, when Kevin Francis (541) went in too. Lee White (830) tripped up in the homestraight, colliding with Julian Grant (83) in the homestraight; Shaun Smith (661), Lyndon Stark (88) and Chris Hornbrook (65) pile in. The lap boards now presented, Bowman still leading. Charlie Taylor (514) turned round for Finney in turn 3; whilst Woods jacked Fry in the homestraight; Callum Gill (757) getting caught by Fry on the nose in the process. In to turn 3 and Taylor went head on with Fry; Francis piling in for good measure. Bowman taking the win, Gill second and Stark third. 

Straight in to the Destruction Derby; Rikki Finney (455) went in on Shane Fry (831) as Luke Maynard (43) offered the same to Simon Smith (589). Tommy Callaghan (299) t-boned Sean Rowell (277); Darren Maltby (503) went in; Tugs Kenway (77) went in, joined by Liam Jaggard (557) too. Callum Woods (396) turned it round and blew up Rowell. Phil Milner (201) going in on Kenway.  Curtis Rathbone (174) went head on with Kenway. James Martin (115) attacked Jaggard; Dave Forest (195) blitzing Martin. Forest then went after Rathbone; Lee Barnes (41) also going in on 174. Forest backed off and started to tackle Barnes in turn 3. Barnes blitzed the back of Forest and Rathbone before Barnes followed in Forest taking Smith with him. Rathbone last car moving awarded the win.


1300 Stock Cars

The first race for the Stock Cars doubled up as the Whites and Yellows race, along with the Under25 Championship. Polly Reade (285) starting in pole position; 24 cars on track. Barty Ketteringham (209) spun early on and was collected turn 1, a number of cars going in to the turn 1 fence. Wayne Pottle (728) and Sean Cooper (512) clashed also; Cooper then in further trouble colliding with Ben Saunders (517) in the backstraight. Justin Wade, Ricky Ivatt (55) – debuting a brand new car and John Klyn (61) went to the fence in turn 1; prompting waved yellows. Lee Waddington (122), Luke Smith (301) in second and Reade third. Barry Clow (597) took around Reade on the restart, Reade was then in turn collected by Conner Sheldrake (535), Jacob Bromley (303) the next in trouble with a spin into the infield marker tyre in turn 1. The lap boards now out to Waddington, Smith second and Jack Lower (142) third. Bromley went on the attack of Beau Southgate (241) in to turn 1; whilst Jack Aylward (146) spun around in turn 3, who was then collected by Jack Wilkins (690). Sheldrake went in for a last bender on Ben Englestone (769) to take 6th position. Waddington taking the win and the White and Yellow grade win, Smith finished second and awarded the Under25 championship; Lower coming home third.

Heat 1 was led off by Luke Smith (301) in pole position, 32 cars on track. Barty Ketteringham (209) was the first casualty collecting a marker tyre whilst Barry Clow (597) was also getting better acquainted with a marker tyre, bouncing off down the homestraight. Bumpers were going in throughout the order. Waved yellows were called for early on Smith the leader, Jack Smith (302) in second and Ben Saunders (517) third. Sean Cooper (512), Jordan Godfrey (144), Conner Sheldrake (535) and Dan Rea (60) form a big pile up in turn 3 on the restart. Waved yellows needed once more; the same top three once more on the restart; this time it was Lee Waddington (122) and Ketteringham who went fence wards in turn 3. Waved yellows needed once more. Smith (302) and Smith (301) now switched position, Saunders still holding third. A freshly watered track making things slippy, the two Smiths dropping back down the order. Saunders took over the lead, but this was short lived; Ben Englestone (769) who muscled his way by. Another pile up into turn 1; mixed up the order once more, Lee Peacer (23), Stephen Murphy (561) and Smith (302) all lost out, with Saunders ended up in a marker tyre. The lap boards now presented; Todd Payne (149) taking over the running, and went on to win at the chequered flag, Jack Aylward (146) in second and Jimmy Morris (167) in third.

24 cars returned for heat 2; led off by Polly Reade (285) Jack Lower (142) waster no time and was on the attack straight away, sending Jack Aylward (146) down the homestraight; whilst Stephen Murphy (561) collected the fence in turn 1. Lower was on the receiving end shortly after, he too was spun out down the homestraight, collecting the marker tyres in the process. Luke Smith (301) your leader. Jacob Bromley (303) went in with bumper on Lower; whilst Murphy and Sean Cooper (512) tripped over each in the homestraight. Jordan Godfrey (144) and Lower ended in a heap in the turn 1 fence; the field with no where to go, piled in. Barry Clow (597) made good effective use of the bumper on Murphy putting the 561 machine out in turn 1, Dan Booth (216) collecting Murphy in the process; the lap boards now out and presented to the leader Smith.  Reade exchanged bumpers with Ricky Ivatt (55) in the closing stages with Jimmy Morris (167) also there for company. Smith took the win, Jack Wilkins (690) finishing second and Dan Rea (60) third.

The 1300 Stock Car final drew 26 cars back out for battle once more, Justin Wade (165) led them off from pole position. Jacob Bromley (303) went in with the bumper straight away on Jack Lower (142), Lower retaliating the next bend, Bromley dropped back letter the leader through. Luke Smith (301) was the leader at this point, lapping Bromley, but the 303 made sure he wasn’t lapped for long, putting Smith to the fence, Smith dropped back, letting Barty Ketteringham (209) in to the lead, but Smith not too far behind, made sure he kept his challenge alive going in with the bumper.  Smith was a spinner in to turn 3; the field piling in hard with no where to go including Lee Ivatt (77). Waved yellows called for; Jordan Godfrey (144) your leader, Jack Wilkins (690) second and Conner Sheldrake (535) in third, ready to set the pace at the green, but Godfrey pulled off promoting Wilkins to the lead. Jack Aylward (146) was sent around in to a spin out of the first turn at the drop of the green, whilst Dan Rea (60) went in with the bumper on Sheldrake for second. World Champion Lee Pearce (23) was making steady progress through the order but his race was cut short when he lost a wheel and his car was sent careering into the fence in turn 3. Waved yellows called for once more. Wilkins your leader on the restart, Sheldrake second and Rea in third. Rea went in with the challenge at the green flag in turn 1, as Todd Payne (149) offered the same to Beau Southgate (241) further back. The leading trio battled for position; with Rea muscling his way to the front, leaving Wilkins and Sheldrake to battle further back. Aylward putting Ketteringham to the fence in turn 1, retribution for his earlier spin, Ketteringham left ailing, saw him clip Carl Morgan (42) in the process; taking Morgan out too.  Lower and Martin Taylor (422) battled for the minor places as the laps ticked by, Bromley eventually catching back up and planted Lower to the turn 1 fencing. Rea took the win ahead of Sheldrake in second and Payne third.  


Reliant Robins

Heat 1 for the Robins saw 13 cars on track; Mick Croxon (215) started in pole position. Jack Licquorice (511) quickly assumed the lead whilst the 522 machine went in to a roll in turn 1. Licquorice getting used to three wheels instead of four almost went over, allowing Carlos Pears (409) to take over the running. Colin Aldred (576) sent Lee Holden (97) into a big roll in turn 1, prompting a yellow flag caution. Pears your leader, Ryan Fruen (69) second and Licquorice third. Roy Gedge (385) quickly moved up the order on the green flag moving in to second and James Ellis (85) third. The lap boards soon presented, as 522 went in to another roll in the backstraight, yellow flag once more. Gedge went in with the bumper into turn 3 on Pears, but Pears held on to the lead spot, Gedge unable to snatch first, Licquorice and and Lee Barnard (490) went in to independent rolls in turn 3 as the race came to a close. 

Following a heavy rolling heat 1, 8 cars returned for heat 2. 522 led off pole; Carlos Pears (409) once again quickly moved in to the lead, moving Jack Licquorice (511) in to turn 1. Lee Barnard (490) went in to a half roll down the homestraight. Roy Gedge (385) was charging hard, soon upto into second position. Barnard again half rolling. The lap boards soon presented ticked off by Pears with Gedge closing in. Gedge went in for a last bender assault on Pears, but couldn’t make it stick and with Gedge carrying too much speed, rolled over in the process. Pears taking the win, Licquorice second and Gedge recovered for third.  

The Feature Final was led off by Jack Licquorice (511) in pole position; 8 cars on track. Carlos Pears (409) once again charged through quickly and took over the lead. Further back Roy Gedge (385) was also muscling his way through, barging aside 522 and Licquorice. Ian Robins (96) made it hard work for himself; taking himself out in turn 2 and dropped the order; almost catching out the leader in the process. James Ellis (85) then took around 522 into a spin, who then went over into a roll. Pears taking the Final win, making it three out three, Gedge second and Colin Aldred (576) in third. Pears going over in to a big roll after the flag to round out the day for the Robins.



Unlimited Bangers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Supernatural Championship 791 276 83 332 959 NoF
Under25 Championship 165 271 747 299 757 11 103 321 349 662
Heat 3 699 551 362 355 88 830 514 NoF
Heat 4 11 757 362 88 229 455 673 65 77 43 (NB)
Heat 5 77 830 510 831 NoF
Final 178 757 88 455 299 NoF
Destruction Derby 174 (CR)
1300 Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
W & Y & U25 Championship 122 301* 142 597 42 535 769 149 303 690
Heat 1 149 146 167 301 216 55 769 142 303 241
Heat 2 301 690 60 167 285 55 241 422 303 760
Final 60 535 149 216 167 690 241 422 55 303
Reliant Robins 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 409 385 85 576 96 69 490 522 441 511
Heat 2 409 511 385 85 576 96 522 490 NoF
Final 409 385 576 511 85 490 96 NoF

*301 Luke Smith 1300 Stock Car U25 Champion

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img1From the pure adrenaline and Unlimited Power of the F1 Stock Cars to the destruction and crazy antics of the Bangers - you can see it all at the Norfolk Arena! With up to fifty cars in every race, action is guaranteed and here at the Norfolk Arena we encourage “full contact” where spinning and hitting other cars is all part of the racing!

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