• Next Meeting: Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • *Major Event*

      Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)

      Event details can be found here.

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Trackstar Racing | Info | Results | 2019 | Saturday 20 April

Latest Results

  • Saturday 21st September

    Saturday 21st September

    Micro Bangers: 869 Jamie Steele. 1300cc Stock Cars: 303 Jacob Bromley. Junior Bangers: 609 Levi Murkin Unlimited Lady Bangers: 841 Sharon Jennings

    Updated: 25 Sep 2024 16:04

  • Saturday 7th September

    Saturday 7th September

    Unlimited Bangers: 639 Tye Williams. 2L Saloon Stock Cars: 349 Michael Allard

    Updated: 13 Sep 2024 12:06

  • Next Meetings

    • Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)
    • Sunday 08 December - 13:00
    • Unlimited Banger Nutcracker + 25 & Under Champ of GB & 1600cc Banger National Championship
    • Sunday 29 December - 13:00
    • Xmas Cracker - 2L Stock Cars, F2 Stock Cars, Micro Banger Teams + Classic Cars R Us Junior Bangers

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Saturday 20 April


Photos:  1- 10 Damien Widdows, 11 - 20 Major Gilbert, 21 - 34 Alex Catley 

Report: Keith Organ


The Saturday of the Easter weekend kicked off in great fashion; a great bumperfest of the best Banger and Stock Car action. Once again the pits were crammed full of cars ready for battle. The Unlimited Bangers racing in the White and Yellow Final and the East Anglian Championship; the 2 Litre Saloons competing in the Under 25 championship with the superb 1300 Stock Cars completing the line up.

Unlimited Bangers

The first Unlimited Banger action of the night was for the Whites and Yellows Final; led off by James Licquorice (51) at the head of the 36 car field. A number of cars trip over one another in the homestraight at the green flag, including Andy Newton (321), Dan Clarke (721); Nick Bishop (43) and Taylor Sowter (388). Michael Carter (329) the early race leader dispatched Laura Quadling (419) to the fence in turn 1; shortly after Jake Westlake (901) was taken around in turn 1 by Kieran Bowman (178). In turn 3 and Jack Filmer (883) turned it round and got Dean Mouljourd (230) in the front corner, snapping off the Mouljourd Jag, Filmer in turn got caught by the passing field; including by Licquorice who after running in to Filmer then run in Lewis Price (349). Sowter now on opposite stopped Newton with a head on in turn 3, Dean Jarvis (229) piled in on Newton with Ryan Leeks (11) on the back of Jarvis for good measure. Filmer then went head on with Licquorice; Damien Matthews (87) going in on the back of Licquorice; whilst Bowman attacked the Jarvis machine. Price on opposite too, caught Donald Stewart (558) whilst he was manoeuvring in turn 3. The buckled Stewart machine struggling to make it’s way down the homestraight was then blitzed by Bowman; Bowman was then destroyed by Carl Sowter (288). Jarvis once again nobbled, this time by Dave Osbourne (174) as the chequered flag dropped for Carter, Dalton Smith (662) awarded second and Callum White (100) third.

Unlimited Bangers Heat 2 drew out 35 cars; led off by Luke Needs (53); he was quickly in trouble however, losing the backend down the homestraight; the snaking then caught out a number of drivers resulting in a big crunch in to turn 1 including; Martin Kent (307), Jack Giddings (591) and Liam Hide (624). Into turn 1 and John Cullingford (313) was run in by Dennis Vorkink (211), whilst in turn 3, Needs was taken around by Andy Ashman (597), Needs was then in turn caught head on by Simon Smith (589). In turn 3; Jamie Webster (696) was left facing the wrong way against the fence, he was then attacked by Giddings who went in on the nose, Kevin Oonk (523) then stormed in on Giddings. Vorkink was spun out on the outside of turn 3; he was then met by Michael Jones (428); Brett Jackson (551) then blitzed Jones. Russell Gill (77) was spun out by Lee White (830) in turn 1; Gill was then nobbled by Dave Osbourne (174) who had been lurking on opposite. Harry Overy (356) took around Lee Clarke (247) whilst Osbourne got Lyndon Stark (88) over the front wheel; just as Andy Battle (898) took around White in the homestraight; Gill doing the same to Craig Oliver (542) in turn 1. Clarke then stormed in on the stranded Oonk machine, annihilating the MK3 Granada. The chequered flag fell; Karl Toole (100) took the win, Gavin Dampney (660) took second and Jonny James (362) in third.

Heat 3 for the Unlimited Bangers was led off by Ashley Law (18);  28 cars on track; Chris Hornbrook (65) was the first casualty sent round into a spin by Adrian Court (136) in the homestraight; the Sowters: Carl (288) and Taylor (388) were taken around simultaneously also in to the homestraight.  Lewis Price (349) had turned it round in turn 3 and caught Laura Quadling (419) on the nose; Price’s teammate Dave Osbourne (174) went in the back of Quadling, blitzing the Volvo. Ross Cooper (604) catching Quadling too on the exit of the turn. Phil Milner (201) and Dalton Smith (662) also tripping up in the process; as the passing pack bundled in. Osbourne was then nobbled by Hornbrook on the nose, but the 65 machine was left broadside across the track, which prompted Sowter (388) to go through the back of him. Osbourne and Milner then started to close the racing line down in turn 3 both on opposite, which naturally caught out the field. Matt Armstrong (512) blitzing the back of Osbourne, Luke Dilks (591) going in the back of Armstrong. Milner proceeded to turn it round again, this time getting Law on the nose, catching out Andy Battle (898) and Dave Vincent (22) in the process. Dennis Vorkink (211) as then pummelled in the pile up in turn 3; first blitzed by Cooper and then t-boned by the limo of Connor Osbourne (214). The lap boards now presented to James Licquorice (51) as Sowter (388) was blitzed by Davey Cox (119); Sowter got himself back going and parked himself in turn 3, the leader Licqourice needing no invitation steamed in on Sowter; blitzing the Volvo. Vorkink sought revenge on the limo and dived in on the back of Osbourne (214). Jason Smy (138) and Harry Overy (356) tripped over the pile up in the entrance to the homestraight, but it was Licquorice who took the win, ahead of Vincent in second and Battle in third.

Heat 4 was led off by Jake Westlake (901); 27 cars on track. Damien Matthew (87) the first casualty, taken around by Martin Kent (307), as Shaun Smith (661) was also run in to turn 3, the first end buckled, meaning he parked himself behind Kent in the homestraight; Craig Oliver (542) needing no invitation, in true Gladiator style, drove at Smith, blitzing the 661 machine. The Unlimiteds thundered around, more spins and take arounds entering turn 3; including Kent who was in further trouble, followed in to turn 3 by Callum White (100).  Aaron Nelson (699) was on opposite in turn 1 and sought out Ryan Leeks (11) for a head on, Kieran Bowman (178) on the back of Leeks for good measure; White then went in on Nelson for the head on. Lee Clarke (247) stormed in on the back of Nelson as a caution period was requested. Callum Woods (396) led off the restart. Mark Whittaker (67) went around the outside of the first three cars in the opening lap, picking them off one by one to take the lead in a great move. In to turn 1 Phil Smith (549) and Woods tripped over each other, letting Whittaker break free. The race settling in to a rhythm, the lap boards were presented to Whittaker who was now pulling away; Brett Jackson (551) in second and Joey Reynolds (760) in third. Reynolds was now dropping back after Fendley and Russell Gill (77) muscled their way by. Gill lost out shortly though, half spinning himself in to the marker tyres; Whittaker, Jackson and Fendley the top three at the chequered flag.

The Unlimited banger East Anglian championship was last up, led off by Jason Smy (138), 38 cars on track; Ashley Law (18), Darren Clarke (721) and Liam Hide (6249) spinners before the flag. Damien Matthews (87) quickly took run up the running, demoting Smy to second with John Cullingford (313) running in third. Brett Jackson (551) got out of shape in to turn 1, collected by James Licquorice (51), Jackson resulting in a spin to the fence for his troubles. Ross Cooper (604) was taken around in turn 3 by Kieran Bowman (178), Bowman was then in turn nobbled by Jonny James (362) down the homestraight and in to turn 1. Nicky Young (791) was facing the wrong way against the fence in turn 2, he was then attacked head on by the P5 of Lee Clarke (247), Smy was then squeezed up running in to the back of Clarke in the process. The lap boards now presented to Matthews as, in to turn 1, Simon Smith (589) run in Buddy James (262) and Taylor Sowter (388) to the plating. Matthews took the win without challenge, almost flag to flag, Andrew Skipp (128) taking second and Mark Whittaker (67) third after spinning out Russell Gill (77) in the last bend. Licquorice was also spun around in the last bend by Smith, James stormed in on the back of him and Craig Oliver (542) going in on James.

Straight in to the Destruction Derby; Cullingford, Matthews and Phil Smith (549) attacked one another and ended in a heap together. Dennis Vorkink (211) was slammed in to the plating in turn 3 by Oliver, Licquorice then stormed in with a head on Vorkink , whilst Smith followed in Bowman in to turn 3, with Bowmans Volvo riding up the plating and rolling over. Smith carried on in to the back of Licquorice, Matthews blitzed Smith and Jackson went in on Matthews as the red flag went out. On the restart Aaron Nelson (699) nobbled Jack Giddings (591), Oliver stormed in on Nelson in to turn 1.  Oliver turned it round and blitzed the back of Karl Toole (100), Giddings going in on Oliver, annihilating the Gladiator. Nelson had also turned it round and stormed in on Giddings, whilst Taylor Sowter (388) offered the same to Nelson. Some toing and froing between Sowter and Nelson, Sowter’s Volvo expired and Nelson the last car running was awarded the win.


2 Litre Saloon Stock Cars

The first race up for the 2 Litre Saloons was the Under 25 Championship; led off by Sam Bloomfield (12) on pole of a 15 car grid. Bloomfield’s number 1 spot was soon relinquished when he spun on the freshly watered track before the green flag, letting Ryan Santry (389) in to the lead. Luke Dorling (120) collected a marker tyre into turn 1, collecting Thomas Parrin (350) at the same time; which caught out Cole Atkins (399) in the process who run into the side of Dorling. The red graders getting held up in the incident too. Santry run alongside Jack Rust (172) as the pair tussled for the lead; side by side for a couple of laps, before Rust was able to pull clear in to the lead. Jake Banwell (391) was making good progress up the field and had now moved Santry aside to take second. Further down the order Adam O’Dell (171) piled into Lee Sampson (428) in to turn 1, a few laps later and O’Dell was getting spun around by Trent Arthurton (610) in the backstraight as the lap boards were presented. Rust in first, Banwell in second and Daniel Parker (306) in third. The Banwell car seemingly losing speed though, and Parker promptly bumpered him in to turn 1, before moving by in turn 3. O’Dell was in further trouble after he was sent skating along the plating in to turn 1 sideways. Rust took the win, Parker finished second and Santry third after successfully moving Banwell aside in the last bend, but Santry was docked two places post race for a jumped start; promoting Banwell back in to third.

29 cars on track for 2 litre Saloon heat 1; led off by Darren Mansi (19). Tom Yould (214) and Thomas Parrin (350) were early spinners in the homestraight, whilst Shane Emerson (888) and Barry Russell (600) collided in turn 3 before the green flag; the pair were then in turn collected by the pack. A lap later and Alan Ainslie (777) and Ivan Street (420) were caught up by mid pack bunching in turn 3, which in turn tripped up Michael Allard (349), all coming to rest in a pile entering the home straight. Soon after Graeme Shevill (661) was taken around in turn 1, slamming in to the plating, courtesy of Tommy Barnes (26). Jack Rust (172) and Timmy Barnes (131) were next in trouble getting taken around in the back straight by Simon Venni (570). In to turn 1 and Lee Sampson (428) slammed in with the bumper on Diggy Smith (116), but it was Trent Arthuton (610) coming off worst collecting the plating. Ryan Santry (389) your leader, Luke Dawson (2) was holding down second and Cole Aktins (399) in third. Dawson and Atkins though were held up entering turn 3 by battling back markers John Riiley (108) and Richard Regan (418); this let Venni through in to second.  In the home straight Jordan Cassie (697), Timmy Barnes (131) and Rob Heanes (192) all tripped over one and other, sent skittling along the track in to turn 1; whilst Wesley Starmer (525) who had also been turned round in turn 1, was collected by the field. Venni then took around Regan in the homestraight; Regan was then caught by Arthurton sending the 418 machine in to a pirouette. A lap later and Riley, Heanes and Cassie were all in further trouble ending in heap together in turn 1. Allard punting Street in to the Riley machine for good measure. Barnes (131) slammed Dean Mayes (730) in to the turn 1 plating, the yellow flags called for.  On the restart, a 1 lap shootout for the chequered flag; Santry your leader, Sampson a backmarker behind, Venni  was second and Russell in third. Into turn 1 and Santry went wide letting Sampson to rub alongside; into turn 3 Santry went out wide letting Venni back through, Santry hoping to get the cut back, but spun around out of contention as he put the throttle down, Venni took the win, Atkins coming home in second and Barnes (26) third. Barnes (131) put out Allard in the last bend, the pair spinning and collecting Mayes in the process

26 cars on track for Heat 3 and Darren Mansi (19) led the field off once more. Drivers throughout the grading collecting the fence as usual. Luke Jackson (450) was left stranded on the exit of turn 2, collected by the passing pack, the yellow flags called for. The restart was short lived with Alan Ainslie (777) sent spinning to the fence in turn 1 by a hard charging Darren Parker (306), Dean Mayes (730) and Michael Allard (349); prompting another caution period. Tom Yould (214) the leader on the restart.  Into the restart and bumpers once again flying in; Luke Dawson (2) and Trent Arthurton (610) were battling Graeme Shevill (661) and Mayes whilst behind them, Luke Dorling (120) took Jack Rust (172) to the fence in to turn 1. In to turn 3 and Simon Venni (570), Cole Atkins (399), Shane Emerson (888) and Parker clashed. Sparks flew once more as Arthurton was rocketed into the turn 1 placing by Dawson. Timmy Barnes (131) was your leader, Lee Sampson (428) in second with Barry Russell (600) in third, the top three, right with each other. Sampson and Russell began to tussle for position which allowed Barnes pull out a lead; as Venni and Parker caught up to the Sampson/Russell battle. Dawson now holding up Venni, the 570 machine dropped back, and came under fire from Atkins and Allard. A big coming together in turn 1 however, saw Venni steam in on Atkins/ Allard, Venni clipping a marker tyre and Allard collected the plating. Barnes took the chequered flag, Parker coming second and Russell rounded out the top three.

Richard Regan (418) led the Final around on the rolling lap; 23 cars on track. Tom Yould (214) and John Riley (108) came to grief before the green; left facing the wrong way in turn 3; Alan Ainslie (777) and Jordan Cassie (697) also caught out.  Tommy Barnes (26) took around Barry Russell (600) in entrance to the backstraight; Russell clobbered by Simon Venni (570) in the process. Stuart Tointon (52), Regan and Austen Freestone (341) also went around in turn 3. A big group entered turn 1; Timmy Barnes (131) and Luke Dawson (2) planted the plating in the commotion, whilst Lee Sampson (428) was sent around by Daniel Parker (306). Into turn 3, Dawns took around Tommy Barnes (26) as Michael Allard (349) spun out Parker. Russell went in on Luke Jackson (450) in to turn 1, whilst Freestone went around again in turn 3 courtesy of Barnes (26). Darren Mansi (19) was leant in to the plating by Allard in turn 1. Also in to turn 1; Venni went in with the bumper on Jack Rust (172) in to turn 1, Cassie left on the outside, Mansi was taken around too; Venni and Cassie were squeezed up the fence, Cassie toppling over, prompting the yellow flags. Cole Atkins (399) the leader on the restart; Shane Emerson (888) in second and Ivan Street (420) in third. On the restart; Yould went in with the bumper on Darren Parker (306), Ainslie got caught up in the attack and was sent to the plating head on. Yould and Regan were taken around in the entrance to the backstraight and were collected the pack. Yellow flags called for. Atkins the field off once more, Emerson second and Barnes (131) in third. Atkins was quickly overhauled on the restart; dropped back to second by Emerson. Emerson’s time in the lead was short lived and he was demoted by Barnes (131) with a similar move a lap later. Emerson was bumpered wide by Parker soon after; with Allard joining for good measure to demote the 888 machine in to fourth spot in to turn 1. Emerson, not done there, bumpered Parker wide in to turn 3 to take back third, before moving Allard aside in to turn 1 to go back second; as further back, Barnes (26) sent Atkins and Street to the turn 1 plating. Allard thundered in with the bumper in to turn 1 sending Emerson and Parker to the plating. The trio jostled for position for the next lap until Lee Sampson (428) arrived on the scene who, going in to turn 3; drove straight at Allard bumpering him and Parker in to the turn 3 fence; Allard dropped back right down the order; as the lap boards now out. The bumpers continued to be exchanged all throughout the order to the chequered flag; Barnes (131) taking a clear win over Sampson, who muscled his way in to second and Emerson third.


1300 Stock Cars

Heat 1 went off with 26 cars on track; led by Jack Wilkins (690), Jeffrey Bell (92) was piled in to turn 3; the passing pack piling in for good measure too in to the homestraight; plumes of steam coming from the front of Bell. Michael Clark (147) and a number of others piled in in the homestraight, whilst in the backstraight Stephen Walden (276) rollover in the backstraight, to the middle. A caution period called for. Wilkins led off the restart, ahead of Jake Perry (101) in second and Mark Newman (762) in third.  Barry Wade (731), Alan Lakey (466) and Jordan Godfrey (144) were enjoying a battle for position further back, Wade dropping back in the backstraight slowed Godfrey and allowed Jake Stringer-Adams (40) and John Klyn (61) to close in. Wade punted Jamie Fitzakerley (44) in to turn 1 in the last lap. Back up front, Ben Englestone (769) took the win, Robert Spinks (760) came home in second and Wilkins in third.

Heat 2 was led off by Jordan Godfrey (144) ahead of the 26 car field; Godfrey’s turn up front was short lived and he was quickly overhauled by Stephen Murphy (561) in to turn 1; the freshly watered track catching out a number of the drivers; as the blue and red grade planted the plating. Into turn 3 it was the same story; however Dean Moat (473) was the unlucky one as was squeezed in to the plating, sending the Moat machine up and over; the red flags called for. Murphy led off the restart, Stephen Walden (276) slot in to second and Godfrey third. The restart quickly settling in to a rhythm with bumpers being exchanged as you would expect; all down the order, but a caution period was called for once more.  Back under racing conditions and Murphy held onto the number 1 spot, further back Polly Reade (285) was clobbered by Jacob Bromley (303) and Martin Taylor (422), a tussle down the backstraight amongst a group of cars, saw Reade plough a marker tyre whilst also tripping up Kevin Shinn (400) in the process. The lap boards out,  Murphy still in front and Godfrey in second. Murphy held on to the chequered flag, however Godfrey came under fire from Carl Morgan (42) in to the last bend, which allowed Morgan to snatch second; Jack Lower (142) also there for good measure, but he was unable to overhaul Godfrey; allowing the 144 car to hold onto third.

Jake Perry (101) started pole position for heat 3, 26 cars on track. As expected, the bumpers soon went in; Dan Weevers (333), Jack Lower (142) and Scott Sparrow (781) slammed in to turn 3, whilst Jack Wilkins (690) was helped round by Dan Newman (162) and Patrick Fitzakerley (977) in the homestraight. A lap later and field bunching midpack saw Jason Clow (217) the next casualty and was taken around in the homestraight. Callum Anderson (131) your race leader, Jake Stringer-Adams (40) in second and Perry in third. The battle still raging further back, Paul Sparrow (682) dived in on Simon Sparrow (780), Ben Englestone (769) and Stephen Murphy (561) all there too for good measure. Weevers and Sparrow (682) tasselled in to turn 3, Sparrow ending up slammed in to a marker tyre by Beau Southgate (241). Connor Sheldrake (535) tripped up too in the process, Newman slammed in to Sparrow first before running into Sheldrake too, Bromley also not having anywhere to go run in aswell. The yellow flags called for. Anderson led off the restart, Stringer-Adams in second and now Barry Wade (731) in third; Wade quickly muscling his way by in to second at the green flag. Into turn 1; Stringer-Adams and Perry were bumpered into turn 1 by Kevin Shinn (400) with helping hand from Weevers; Perry was worst off almost rolling after being thrown up on to two wheels; with Stringers-Adams collected by the passing pack. Yellow flags called for once more. Anderson still 1st on the restart, Wade second and Englestone third; the lap boards presented. Englestone overhauled Wade promoting himself to second, whilst Shinn improved his position and took third in the process. In to turn 3; Weevers went in with the bumper, snookering Wade in to Shinn. Dan Booth (216) and Todd Payne (149) now on the scene too, Payne went in with the bumper on Booth, sending Wade and Shinn wide in to turn 1, Payne though overcooked it and half spun, only to be collected by Southgate, who helped to correct Payne to face the right way. In to the last bend and Booth squeezed out Englestone, but this let Weevers through. Anderson took the win, Weevers second and Booth third. 

Will Bone (699) sat in pole position for the final of the night; 21 cars on track. Jeffrey Bell (92) was the first casualty tripping up with Jack Wilkins (690) in turn 3; the pair pummelled by the passing pack; bumpers going in all around the circuit. Stephen Murphy (561) set the early race pace, Robert Spinks (760) in second and Bone in third. Bone was quickly demoted further back by Ben Englestone (769) who went in with the bumper in to turn 1, letting Jack Lower (142) through too. A lap later and Englestone was offering the same to Spinks in to turn 1; whilst in turn 3; Tom Keep (367) and Jason Clow (217) were getting better acquainted; the pair ending in a heap together across the track; Keep was then run into by Bone. Still in turn 3, Lower attacked Englestone on the exit of the bend, but Englestone shut the door and Lower ended up bouncing off a marker tyre. Keep was then in further trouble a few laps later, when he was taken around by second place Callum Anderson (131) in turn 3. Anderson was showing some pace and muscled his way by Murphy to take over the lead. The yellow flags called for at this point for a stranded car on the racing line. Anderson, Murphy and Jordan Godfrey (144) led off the restart. Anderson pulled a gap out in the lead as the lap boards were presented; Murphy and Godfrey was joined by Lower in a battle for the podium; back marker Clow also there, but he was attacked by Dan Weevers (333), sending him to the plating. Godfrey went in with the bumper on Murphy in to turn 3; the 561 machine sent around in to a spin; Murphy was caught by Englestone, unsettling the 769 machine who dropped down the order in the homestraight. Yellow flags called for once more; a last lap shootout required; Anderson in first, Lower second and Godfrey third; Lower went in with a last bend lunge; taking Anderson out towards the plating and losing momentum, Anderson tried to attacked Godfrey out of the bend, but to no avail; Lower took the win, Godfrey second and Anderson in third. However, following post races checks, Lower and Godfrey were removed from the result; Anderson was promoted to first, without a second and third declared.


Unlimted Bangers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
W & Y Final 329 662 100 349 JG 512 791 11 548 549 NoF
Heat 2 100 KT 660 362 597 757 589 356 898 262 119
Heat 3 51 22 898 136 604 271 NoF
Heat 4 67 551 673 400 77 760 299 262 362 548
Final 87 128 67 549 757 898 362 760 589 77
Destruction Derby 699
2L Saloons 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Under 25 Championship 172 306 391 153 389 399 341 350 697 120
Heat 1 570 399 26 600 420 730 389 428 306 349
Heat 2 131 306 600 730 570 428 399 661 525 888
Final 131 428 888 306 570 420 26 2 525 399
1300 Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
W & Y 769 760 690 144 466 40 61 444 781 731
Heat 2 561 42 144 142 333 241 303 216 780 466
Heat 3 131 333 216 731 769 400 191 241 149 40
Final 131 780 333 769 149 760 241 42
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img1From the pure adrenaline and Unlimited Power of the F1 Stock Cars to the destruction and crazy antics of the Bangers - you can see it all at the Norfolk Arena! With up to fifty cars in every race, action is guaranteed and here at the Norfolk Arena we encourage “full contact” where spinning and hitting other cars is all part of the racing!

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