• Next Meeting: Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • *Major Event*

      Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)

      Event details can be found here.

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Trackstar Racing | Info | Results | 2018 | Saturday 30 June

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  • Saturday 21st September

    Saturday 21st September

    Micro Bangers: 869 Jamie Steele. 1300cc Stock Cars: 303 Jacob Bromley. Junior Bangers: 609 Levi Murkin Unlimited Lady Bangers: 841 Sharon Jennings

    Updated: 25 Sep 2024 16:04

  • Saturday 7th September

    Saturday 7th September

    Unlimited Bangers: 639 Tye Williams. 2L Saloon Stock Cars: 349 Michael Allard

    Updated: 13 Sep 2024 12:06

  • Next Meetings

    • Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)
    • Sunday 08 December - 13:00
    • Unlimited Banger Nutcracker + 25 & Under Champ of GB & 1600cc Banger National Championship
    • Sunday 29 December - 13:00
    • Xmas Cracker - 2L Stock Cars, F2 Stock Cars, Micro Banger Teams + Classic Cars R Us Junior Bangers

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Saturday 30 June

2 Litre Saloon Stock Cars Pictures - Andy Crayford - Crayfordmedia

Banger Photos - Trackstar Social Media 

Words - Keith Organ

The eagerly anticipated 2018 running of the War of the Worlds event took place 30th June, with sponsorship from Valley Services providing a prize fund for the points and entertainers league. 2017 was certainly a fan favourite and the 2018 staging didn’t disappoint either.


Unlimited Bangers

Just over 60 Unlimited Bangers arrived for the War of the Worlds team event, racing in a series of heats before an all in final. Heat 1 saw a field of 37 cars with Lee Macey (78) starting on pole. The freshly watered track catching out many in the field with lots of spins early doors; Harry Overy (356) one of them in trouble who was then collected by the passing pack. Tom Waller (209) followed in Dalton Smith (662) in turn 1, Smith was then jacked by Tom Filmer (884). Waller was on it and executed another follow in this time on the Rover P5 of Karl Corsby (175) in turn 3. Jack Dean (296) was then blitzed by jack Filmer (883), before Nicky Bishop (43) went in on the back of Filmer (883) in the back straight. Matt Tillow (556) went in on the back of Filmer (884); as Jordan Westlake (899) met Waller head on in turn 1. Jonny James (362) attacked Shaun Smith (661) in the backstraight sending him into a spin as recently Re-crowned World Champion Lee Clarke (247) did the same to Andy Shipp (128). Smith (661) went in on the back of Filmer (884) who was left tangled in in the boot of the 662 machine, Kieran Bowman (178) wasting no opportunity blitzed the back of 661.  Jordan Sharpe (828) takes in Sam Tomlinson (632) in to turn 1 which caught the Previa of team mate Westlake in the process. Clarke taking the chequered flag in heat 1 rounding out the race by following in Nicky Young (791) in to the turn 3 fence before the end.

Heat 2 and 36 cars grid with Phil Markham (127) starting on pole position, Micky Mylett (206) was an early spinner who was then met head on by the previa of Steve Arthur (110), who then in turn started to back across the track. Ben Green (634) caught the spun Mylett machine in a t-bone prompting the red flags. Arthur and Ben Randell (165) clashed in the back straight and was collected by the pack. Dan Weavers (333) took Jack Deacon (103) in to a spin in turn 3, whilst back up front Lee White (830) and Dan Lathan (328) battled for the lead; White finally getting the upper hand in to the final stages of the race; which then saw Deacon spin his jaguar round on opposite and went for Ross Winsor (960) head on. Rickie Finney (455) took in Darren Fendley (673) in to turn 1 as the red flags were called.  

Heat 3 saw a good field of 32 cars return, Joey Reynolds (760) led the field off, a pile up developed in turn 3 which prompted the red flags. Reynolds, Andy Shipp (128) and Andy Battle (898) led the field off on the restart, Tom Filmer (884) was straight in amongst the action and went in on Sam Tomlinson (632), following him in to turn 3, whilst John Reeves (188) followed in Shayne Winsor (160) in to turn 1 collecting Ben Green (634) in the process. Reeves backed off from Winsor but was then caught by Dan Weavers (333) head on as he drove away; red flags needed for Green. Reynolds led the field off once more ahead of 128 898. Filmer spun it round and got Shipp head on with the field unable to avoid piled in. Filmer still on opposite then goes after Buddy James (262) getting him across the back corner. Reynolds still your leader, Battle second and Andy Ashman (597) third at the lap boards. Markham was then run in to turn 2 as Taylor Sowter (388) was also now on opposite and went after Ashman. Rickie Beasley (67) with no where to go run into Ashman, the red and chequered flags called for to round out the race Reynolds holding on to the lead position.  

36 cars on track for the Banger final, Josh Gooch (625) in pole position. Kieran Bowman (178) takes in Dave Vincent (22) in to turn 3, Micky Mylett (206) getting caught out too. Aston Burt (246) also getting in trouble with cars spinning out in front of him Dom Bode (664) getting caught on the nose. A jacking train soon developed as Karl Corsby (175) went in on the back of Bowman; Nicky Young (791) then did Corsby, Burt went in on the back of Young. The Filmer/ Sowter team then set their sights on the Wild Boyz, Taylor Sowter (388) went in on Nicky Bishop (43) as Tom Filmer (884) blitzed Bowden. Back up front and Andy Battle (898) leads, but this was cut short when Jack Filmer (883) turned it round for Battle in turn 3, Battle kept it pointing in the right direction only to be spun around in the next bend; just as the lap boards were presented. Jack Overy (617) now your leader. Rickie Beasley (67) went in on Shane Lynn (326). Steve Arthur (110) was then followed in to pile up in turn 3 by David Gibson (390), the stranded 246 jag getting the worst of it. Overy took the win and it was straight in to the Destruction derby.

A handful of cars continue for the DD, Phil Markham (127) and Rickie Beasley (67) go in with a head on; presenting Jack Filmer (883) the chance to go in on back of Markham. Beasley and Filmer then exchanged a head on. Andy Battle (898) went on the attack getting Billy Page (88); before setting off after Filmer. Beasley and Battle meet head on; with Dan Weavers (333) going in on Beasley. Battle got an almighty t-bone in the side of Weavers, Beasley too going in across back wheel. Weavers snapped and Battle still going, the pair meeting for a high impact head on. Battle was then jacked by Beasley. Weavers went in on Beasley twice more; the Beasley car stronger backed off and stormed back in on Weavers. Beasley the last car running. 


War of the World Banger Points: 

Team Black A - 72 points

Team Black B - 50 points

VS Massive - 37 points

Team Mates - 18 points

Dover Boys - 17 points

Demons - 13 points

Team 22 - 13 points

Wild Boyz A - 9 points

Team Filmer/ Sowter - 5 points

Predators - 2 points


Entertainer Points: 

Team  Filmer/ Sowter - 95 points

Team Black B - 30 points

Wild Boyz A - 30 points

Predators - 20 points

Dover Boys - 15 points

Team Badger - 5 points

Team Maters - 5 points

Team Orange & White - 5 points

VS Massive - 5 points

With thanks to Valley Services for their sponsorship of the banger racing. 


2 Litre Saloon Stock Cars

The saloons kicked off the evening with a whites and yellows race; 14 cars taking to the track including Michael Allard (349) given special dispensation to run at the back and featuring Kyle Picton (733) in a very smart new car along with Killian Brokken (H317) a new Dutch driver. Martin Kibble (448) starting on pole position. The race started off with Picton and Shane Emerson (888) colliding at the start before the green. Mackenzie Whitehead (331) put Tyler Bloomfield (502) out wide in to turn 1. Simon Venni (570) collected a marker tyre in to turn 3; Bloomfield getting caught up with Venni in the process. Rob Heanes (192) wallops Brooken in to turn 3, as the lap boards are presented. Jack Rust (172) and Whitehead are locked in battle further back; but up front it was Kibble who took the win ahead of Luke Dorling (120) in second and Heanes coming home third. Whitehead was spun around by Rust in the last lap to round off the opening race. 

29 cars grid for heat 1. Martin Kibble (448) once again led the field around. Mackenzie Whitehead (331) was sent to a spin straight away which created a pile up including Carl Waterfield (360), Rob Meanes (192), Lewis Gaillie (182) and Tom Alsopp (537) before passing the green; the sound of fence and metal clattering all round the arena. Daniel Parker (306) went in on Timmy Barnes (26) and Michael Allard (349) in to turn 1 as Matthew Fuller (270) went out in a spin in turn 2. Fuller quickly recovered and went in on Jason Secker (529) in to turn 1. Kibble and Tyler Bloomfield (502) battle for the lead, until Kibble collected the parked Trent Arthurton (610) car in turn 2, with Bloomfield also disappearing, Shane Emerson (888) taking over the lead; the waved yellows called. The top three on the restart: Emerson, Kyle Picton (733) and Simon Venni (570). Backmarker Waterfield held up 570 and 733 on the restart; Venni was quickly dispatched allowing Picton to battle with Lee Sampson (428). Jacob Downey (218) and Parker similarly battled further back with Barry Russell (600) joining in for good measure. Allard got caught up with a back marker and was snookered in to the infield marker tyres just as the lap boards were out for the leader Emerson. As the laps ticked by Emerson was reeled in by Picton and Sampson, who in turn had Willie Skoyles (641) closing in too. In to the last lap and Emerson was slowed up, which allowed Picton to steam through in the last bend, but this also prompted a reaction from Skoyles who went in too. A commotion in the last bend saw 641 win the drag race to the line, the top four together, with Diggy Smith (116) also coming through in the last bend, Skoyles wins ahead of Smith in second, Sampson third and Picton fourth. 

Heat 2 saw 25 cars return Rob Meanes (192) starting on pole. Luke Dorling (120) the first casualty; as he was taken round in to a spin by Kyle Picton (733) in to turn 1, Dorling was then in more trouble when Michael Allard (349) took him round in the opposite end. Shane Emerson (888) snookered Kyle Picton (733) and Tyler Bloomfield (502) out in to turn 3; whilst Tommy Barnes (26) launched Matt Fuller (270) in to turn 3. Willie Skoyles (641) bundled Darren Parker (306) out wide in turn1; many of the red grade locked in battle too. Fuller put a hit in on Jason Secker (529) and Dorling in turn 3. As Cole Atkins (399) collects the back straight fence. Picton was now enjoying a battle with Jack Rust (172); Tom balls (425) your leader. Parker and Skoyles were still battling as Fuller slammed Deane Mayes (730) and Tom Alsop (537) to the turn 3 fence. Mayes returning the compliment a few laps later sending the 270 machine out to the plating in turn 3. Emerson was then sent to a spin by Picton who took over the running, his lead was short lived and he too was also sent to a spin by Carl Waterfield (360), the lap boards were out and Waterfield settled in to the lead, cruising to the win without further challenge; further back Mayes was trying to make impression in to the top ten but encountered Barnes and the duo battled in the closing stages.

23 cars took to the track for the Jack Dain memorial trophy; Tom Balls (425) your leader at the early stage. Big plumes of smoke emitted from the back of the Michael Allard (349) machine, who quickly retired from the race.  Willie Skoyles (641) was sent to a spin in the back straight, but made a quick recovery; Tyler Bloomfield (502) wasn’t quite so lucky and was sent to spin which then forced the field to scatter. Diggy Smith (116) put away Lewis Gallie (182) in turn 1, before a hard charging red grade train spun out Carl Waterfield (360) and Smith in turn 3. Scott Greenslade (800) crashed out into a marker tyre in the entrance to the back straight. Up front though, Lee Sampson (428) was battling with Shane Emerson (888) for the lead as Deane Mayes (730) and Daniel Parker (306) battle further back; Bloomfield then joined the feud, but was soon sent to the fence climbing along the backstraight plating. At the lap boards, Sampson led Emerson but the 888 machine was right with 428. Emerson nudged Sampson wide to take over; Emerson not willing to be held up by the backmarkers and quickly dispatched of them. Sampson not close enough for a last bend, Emerson taking the Jack Dain Memorial. Parker and Mayes continued their race long battle right to the flag Parker coming off worst, spinning out as they pass the rostrum.


Reliant Robins

14 cars took to the track for heat 1, Jordan Street (552) starting on pole position. The Red flags were quickly called for when Ian Robins (96) lost a wheel. On the restart Street led them off, but bounced along and down the homestraight, taking himself out the lead; Chalk Douglas (554) taking over. Shane Harvey (383) was the first to roll; prompting the yellow flags. Douglas first on the restart and Roy Gedge (385) in second. Danny Douglas (553) went out wide to the turn 3 fence; whilst Scott Russell (03) was challenging for second position. Gedge went in for a challenge on Douglas, but the pair collide letting Russell through to the led. Douglas (553) then launched Dale Russell (9) to the fence in turn 3 resulting in a shower of fibreglass. The chequered flag went down for Russell (03) as Douglas (553) rolls in the home straight after the flag.

Heat 2 saw 13 cars return, Shane Harvey (383) led the field off. Billy Backham (381) was the first to spin in turn 3, which quickly developed in to a roll. The waved yellows called for; Harvey led the restart, ahead of Jordan Street (552) and Steve Futter (229). Scott Russell (03) was sent in to a huge roll in turn 3 which saw him bounce up on top of the fence. The waved yellows needed once more. Harvey still your leader ahead of Street in second and Lee Barnard (490) who was now in third. Russell was sent to the fence in turn 3 as Chalky Douglas (554) then put in Ian Robins (96) away in turn 3, resulting in a big roll up the fence turn 3; Barnard then rolled over, albeit not in quite such spectacular style on the homestraight. The waved yellows needed again, Colin Aldred (576) your leader, followed by Gedge and Harvey, into the lap boards and the closing stages, Gedge muscled his way by Aldred to take over and take the win.

11 cars for the Final race, Shane Harvey (383) once again led the field off. Chalky Douglas (554_went for a roll almost immediately after the green, prompting the red flags straight away. Dale Russell (9) was launched in to a roll on the restart by Danny Douglas (553), again the red flags were needed. 10 Robins for the restart. Harvey and Scott Russell (3) became better acquainted with a trip to the fence in turn 3. Douglas (554) your leader, Douglas held that position until the lap boards when a rapid Roy Gedge (385) took over and was unchallenged to the flag; Colin Aldred (576) came home in second and Douglas (553) in third, rounding out a quiet second half of the race. 


Link to Mylaps: https://speedhive.mylaps.com/Events/1552085 


2 Litre Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
W & Y 448 120 192 610 172 733 525 502 888 425
Heat 1 641 116 428 733 888 172 306 600 730 218
Heat 2 360 428 218 425 172 192 116 641 306 888
Jack Dain Final 888 428 218 306 730 399 600 116 270 328
Reliant Robins 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 03 576 552 554 490 551 553 383 NoF
Heat 2 385 576 551 554 383 96 550 9 490 NoF
Final 385 576 553 554 490 551 03 383 NoF
Unlimited Bangers 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 247 362 21 617 128 78 22 321 178 NoF
Heat 2 830 67 160 328 556 673 262 617 455 362
Heat 3 760 898 67 328 318 246 43 262 326 NoF
Final 617 362 247 262 160 21 760 898 67 328
Destruction Derby 67
  • 2LSTOCKS Kings Lynn 300618 (2)
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  • 2LSTOCKS Kings Lynn 300618 (57)
  • 2LSTOCKS Kings Lynn 300618 (62)
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img1From the pure adrenaline and Unlimited Power of the F1 Stock Cars to the destruction and crazy antics of the Bangers - you can see it all at the Norfolk Arena! With up to fifty cars in every race, action is guaranteed and here at the Norfolk Arena we encourage “full contact” where spinning and hitting other cars is all part of the racing!

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