• Next Meeting: Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • *Major Event*

      Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)

      Event details can be found here.

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Trackstar Racing | Info | Results | 2019 | Saturday 19 October

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    Saturday 21st September

    Micro Bangers: 869 Jamie Steele. 1300cc Stock Cars: 303 Jacob Bromley. Junior Bangers: 609 Levi Murkin Unlimited Lady Bangers: 841 Sharon Jennings

    Updated: 25 Sep 2024 16:04

  • Saturday 7th September

    Saturday 7th September

    Unlimited Bangers: 639 Tye Williams. 2L Saloon Stock Cars: 349 Michael Allard

    Updated: 13 Sep 2024 12:06

  • Next Meetings

    • Saturday 26 October - 17:00
    • Halloween Carnival Night – Gigantic Fireworks Display, Halloween Fancy Dress Parade, Unlimited Bangers King of the Fens, 1300 Stock Cars World of Shale & Reliant Robins (ADVANCE TICKET ONLY EVENT)
    • Sunday 08 December - 13:00
    • Unlimited Banger Nutcracker + 25 & Under Champ of GB & 1600cc Banger National Championship
    • Sunday 29 December - 13:00
    • Xmas Cracker - 2L Stock Cars, F2 Stock Cars, Micro Banger Teams + Classic Cars R Us Junior Bangers

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Saturday 19 October


Photos: 1 - 21 Dave Bastock, 22 Stuart Douglas, 23 - 31 Colin Casserley, 32 - 40 Jim Harrod

Report: Keith Organ


The final meeting of the BriSCA season at King’s Lynn and the October fixture has become aa must do meeting, big grids and big action. The crowd didn’t go away disappointed with the BriSCA F1 Stock Cars in a 2020 World Championship Qualifying Round along with the National Shootout into the second half of the competition, the 2Litre Saloon Stock Cars competing in the Ray Goudy Trailer Repairs Driver of the Year final and the V8 Hotstox also in action, it was a superb night which received rave reviews.


BriSCA F1 Stock Cars

The traditional Whites and Yellows race kicked off the F1 Stock Car racing for the evening, this event with enhanced Prize Money with thanks to T M Browne Ltd. Wayne Marshal (483) led them off, 28 cars on track, 21 of them yellow graders! Tim Warwick (307) the first casualty sent around into a spin before the green flag; in to turn 1 Ricky Wilson (502) tripped up with Phoebe Wainman (211), ending up parked up top of her, with Kelvin Hassell (13) and Steve Whittle (183) for company. Willie Skoyles (541) and Nigel Harrhy (45) just managing to avoid them a lap later going around the outside; as the bumpers went in throughout the order. The yellow flags called for. Marshall led them off on the restart; Gary Jackson (423) was sent sideways at the green flag, tripping up Mick Rogers (244), who in turn was flicked sideways with John Wright (348), Rogers clouting the plating in the homestraight, getting some big airtime; the field sent in all directions to avoid, unluckily Richard Howarth (495) and Paul Hopkins (278) run into Rogers. Mark Poole (276), Michael Allard (349) – making his F1 Stock Car debut and Warwick, all caught up too. Yellow flags required once again. Marshall once again led the field off, but too much right root on the freshly watered track saw him flick it round into a spin, promoting Terry Hawkins (275) in to the lead; but with back marker Hassell for company along with Skoyles and Austen Moore (127) all pushing and shoving to try and get by; Moore took over the lead as Hassell, Skoyles and Jim Bamford (302) all tangled down the backstraight collecting the plating. 5 laps to go presented to Moore, Harrhy in second closing in and Ian Noden (306) further back in third. Skoyles dumped Ben Howard (544) to the plating in turn 3 at this point as Moore was slowed up backmarker Marshall, Moore going in with the bumper to try and force his way by, but Marshall was having none of it; allowing Harrhy to close further and push his way by to the front in to turn 1. Moore went in with the bumper in to turn 1 on Harrhy, the pair side by side in to the backstraight. The 483 machine disappearing in a cloud of steam providing an obstacle for those behind him. The leaders clear of this though and in to the last bend Harrhy tried to hold the inside line and positioned his car to hold Moore behind, but Moore kept pushing and send Harrhy wide and deep in to turn 3; a drag race to the line and Moore took the win, Harrhy second and Noden third.

Rob Jacklin (136) led off heat 1, 26 cars on track. Bradley Harrison (25) and Danny Wainman (212) the early casualties, retiring to the middle, Kelvin Hassell (13) and Steve Whittle (183) also in trouble tripping over one another to the infield. Phoebe Wainman (211) took a trip to the turn 3 plating courtesy of Mark Poole (276). Karl Roberts (313) offering a piece of the bumper to Paul Hopkins (278) a lap later in the same bend; John Lund (53) getting in on the action to nudged Hopkins wide also. The red graders not making too much impression at this stage and were tripping each other up at this stage; John Dowson (94) also making his presence felt on his return to action; exchanging the bumper with Mat Newson (16) and Paul Hines (259). Jacklin lost the lead in turn 3, punted wide by Terry Hawkins (275), Jacklin with no where to go run in to the spun Karl Hawkins (175) machine. The waved yellows called for. Ian Noden (306) your leader on the restart, Nigel Harrhy (45) second and Roberts in third. Harrhy put on Noden in to turn 1 a few laps, taking over the lead; whilst a backmarker Hines slowed Roberts down allowing Lund to close the gap, Lund duly struck in to turn 1, snookering Roberts in to Hines, clouting the fence in the process. The lap boards presented; Harrhy managing to keep the gap as the laps ticked by, Lund making an error in turn 3 clipped the fence as tried to hunt down the 45 machine whilst mindful of Will Hunter (220) not far behind in third. Harrhy took the win, Lund second and Hunter.

Heat 2 was led off by Jason Eaton (448), 25 cars on track; Eaton’s time up front didn’t last long with a spin in to the first bend, Mark Woodhull (335) also amongst the first casualties with a spin too; Mark Gilbank (21) tangling with Frankie Wainman JNR JNR (555) too. The Shootout chargers battled amongst themselves; whilst Mick Sworder (150) stacked in Willie Skoyles (541) head on in to turn 1 fence. Billy Johnson (169) and Dave Willis (337) tripped up in turn 3, which delayed Jelle Tesselaar (H410) who had been punted wide by Bobby Griffin (166). Yellow flags called for. Geoff Nicholls (215) the field off on the restart, Richard Woods (268) second and Chris Brocksopp (338) third. Nicholls came under attack at the drop of the green flag and spun around with Woods hooked up on his inside nerf pushed along the homestraight. Sworder took over the lead with Tom Harris (1) in close company behind in to turn 1, in to the next behind though Harris muscled his way by to take over the running. Craig Finnikin (55) snookered Johnson into Nigel Green (445) in to turn 1, Johnson and Green left parked in the fence; whilst Frankie Wainman JNR (515) battled Griffin for fourth place. Harris your leader, Sworder second and Tesselaar in third as the halfway flag was signalled, Wainman pulling clear of Griffin, who dropped back and came under fire from Gilbank and Finnikin. The laps ticked by through the lap boards without change up front; Harris taking the win and in doing so could be declared the winner of the Teng Tools sponsored 2019 King’s Lynn Track Champion.

18 cars on track for the consolation, led off by Rob Jacklin (136). The bumpers exchanged at the drop of the green flag; particularly amongst the yellow graders, with Danny Wainman (212) the first of the red graders to make an impression; punting Mark Woodhull (335) out wide in to turn 3; Nigel Green (445) hot on the heels of Wainman; sent 212 wide I lap later into turn 1, Wainman tried to retaliate in to turn 3. Ian Noden (306) and Mark Sargent (326) collided and hooked up in turn 3; Green went out wide and collected both Noden and Sargent as he recovered, Green sent into a 360 degree spin down the homestraight. Green dropped down the order and now lapped as Jacklin went through the leader. A battled raged further back for second place with Russell Cooper (415), Dave Willis (337), Michael Allard (349), Steve Whittle (183) and Jake Harrhy (345). Willis getting the better of the group, delayed Cooper who in turn delayed those behind. Allard and Whittle collided out of turn 3, both spinning to the middle, but catching out Phoebe Wainman (211) and Geoff Nicholls (215) in the process, Wainman left broadside across the track in the homestraight. Halfway signalled. The red flags called for due to a problem under Coopers car on the infield. Jacklin led the restart off, Green a backmarker behind, Willis in second. Willis muscled his way by Green into turn 3, Green thundered Willis into turn 1, taking Jacklin with him, all three collecting the plating. Wainman snuck through to take the lead. The laps ticked by, Wainman out in front, Lee Fairhurst (217) second and Karl Hawkins (175) third. A limping Willis was once again bumpered to the turn 1 plating by Green in the last lap. The top three remaining the same to the chequered flag.

The feature final was led off by Rob Jacklin (136), 33 cars on track. Terry Hawkins (275) and Jake Harrhy (345) the early casualties, hooking up before reaching the green flag. Nigel Harrhy (45), Chris Brocksopp (338) and Ben Howard (544) collected the fence in turn 3 a lap later; as the bumpers went in further back. Frankie Wainman JNR JNR (555) was put out to the fence in turn 3 courtesy of Jelle Tesselaar (H410) and Mick Sworder (150). Sworder then offering the same to John Lund (53) in to turn 1 soon after; Lund swamped by the Stars and Superstars graders dropped back further. Mat Newson (16) went in with the bumper in to turn 3, putting out wide Tesselaar, Danny Wainman (212) and Mal Brown (34) who caught the worst of it, collecting the fence. The red graders sent scattering in the homestraight when Tesselaar rode up the side of Wainman (212); a number of stars bundling in to turn 1 as a result; Nigel Green (445) riding up the front of Bobby Griffin (166) mid scuffle. Halfway now signalled just before a caution period called for, Geoff Nicholls (215) your leader, Liam Gilbank (20) second and Mark Gilbank (21) third; who seemingly missed the start delayed the field behind him. The field bundled in to turn 1 at the green, Nicholls was sent to the fence as we a number of the pack behind. Yellow flags called for once more for Kelvin Hassell (13) left stranded across the track in turn 3. Gilbank (20) led the restart off, Newson second and Lee Fairhurst (217) third. Newson went in on the attack in to turn 1 putting Gilbank out to the fence to take the lead, as Griffin went in with the bumper on Lund; who in turn used Tesselaar as a cushion. Fairhurst moved Newson with the bumper in to turn 3 to take over, as Gilbank did the same to Newson in to turn 1 to take second; also allowing Harris to sneak through. The lap boards now out. Sworder tripped up with Harris in the homestraight meaning the 150 machine had to take avoiding action and aimed between the two marker tyres in to turn 1. Two to go, Lund muscled his way by Griffin in turn 3, before doing the same to Tesselaar in turn 1. Gilbank went in with the bumper on Fairhurst in to turn 3 to take back the lead as they wound it up down the homestraight to take the last lap board. Harris closed in and planted Gilbank to the fence in turn 1. Fairhurst went in with a huge last bender sending Harris smashing in to the fence, Fairhurst half spinning in the process but was collected by Gilbank, allowed Harris to limp to the finish line, Fairhurst flooring it to recover for second just ahead of Newson in third, who in turn was just ahead of Sworder for fourth. Tesselaar went in with a last bender on Lund; the veteran campaigner just keeping ahead of the Dutchman at the chequered flag.

Grand National time and the last F1 Stock Car race at King’s Lynn in 2019. Tom Harris (1) taking the handicap, no white graders meant Russell Cooper (415) led them off; 33 cars on track. The red graders the first to trop over on another, Niels Tesselaar (H880) spun around courtesy of Karl Hawkins (175) before reaching the green flag. Danny Wainman (212) also left facing the wrong way, and the Shootout contenders piled in on Tesselaar; catching out Bobby Griffin (166) who was also turned around. John Dowson (94) tripped up in the backstraight and sent to a spin courtesy of James Morris (463); the yellow flags called for around the raceway. Back under the green flag and Harris went in hard with the bumper on Paul Hines (259) in to turn 3, snookering Hines into Frankie Wainman Jnr (515) to the fence. John Lund (53) was sent to the fence in turn, by a hard charging Nigel Green (445) who shunted Hawkins and Griffin in to the 53 machine. Mat Newson (16) the next to trip up, in the homestraight in a collision with Harris and Wainman. Wainman muscled his way passed Harris, but Harris went straight back in with the bumper in to turn 3, collecting Michael Allard (349) in the process, who went to the fence. The lap boards now out, Richard Woods (268) your leader. Woods though tripped up with Karl Roberts (313) in turn 3, hooking up the pair collided with a marker tyre out the bend, Mick Sworder (150) now your leader; yellow flags called for the stranded Roberts machine left on the exit of turn 4. Sworder, Lee Fairhurst (217) and Liam Gilbank (20) your three on the restart; two laps to go. Green’s night of bad luck continued and hooked up with Jake Harrhy (345) and Terry Hawkins (275) on the restart; as Gilbank got by Fairhurst. Sworder held on for the win in the last lap stand off, as behind him Fairhurst put Gilbank to the fence in the last bend, Fairhust snatching second, Mark Woodhull (335) coming in to third, with Phoebe Wainman (211) finishing an excellent fourth. Gilbank unfortunately not making it to the finish line; an excellent end to the phenomenal BriSCA F1 season at King’s Lynn.

2 Litre Saloons

The Ray Goudy Trailer Repairs Driver of the Year Final was up first, 27 cars on track closed grid; Barry Russell (600) in pole position. Marty Lak (573) and Tommy Barnes (26) the first spinners, taken around before reaching the green flag, in to the first bend though, Wesley Starmer (525) was straight in on Russell challenging for the lead. Starmer took over down the backstraight, but in to turn 3 he felt the bumper of Timmy Barnes (131) being pushed by Deane Mayes (730) and Daniel Parker (306); four abreast at the end of the opening lap down the homestraight with Luke Dorling (120) and Russell tucked in behind them; with more behind them pushing. Dorling and Parker now tussling for the lead in to the backstraight. Parker bumpering Dorling wide in to turn 1; with Cole Atkins (399) spun around behind them by Mayes and Diggy Smith (116); Smith was then in turn taken around by Starmer in the backstraight. Dorling repaid the compliment to Parker into turn 3, but the European Champion held the hit and rode it out to keep first position; Dorling went in again in the next bend, but struggle to make it stick and Parker pulled out a further gap, Dorling delayed enough to let Russell through for second. Dorling not done there though, battled back with Russell as the duo fought for second with Mayes also joining in, Parker started to pull away. Further back Barnes (26) went in on the back of former World Champion Max Stott (157), snookering him into Tyler Bloomfield (502) and spinning the 502 machine in turn 1; the ailing Bloomfield machine was then caught head on by John Riley (108), yellow flags called for. Parker, back marker Lewis Gallie (182), Russell and Mayes the line up on the restart. Russell quickly by the backmarker to keep pace with Parker, whilst further behind the caution period bunching of the lower grid saw the bumpers forcefully exchanged. Dorling forced his way by Mayes to take third, whilst Smith did the same to Starmer to take sixth and Ivan Street (420) offering the same to Atkins to take seventh. Street came back under first though from Atkins, with Barnes (26) for company, Street was demoted back down the order. Three laps to go now presented to Parker, who was clear in front ahead of Russell in second and Dorling third. Donalad Stewart (558) went in with the bumper on Luke Dawson (2) in turn 3, but Stewart came off worst, spinning in the process; as Smith launched in on Mayes with the bumper, sending Mayes out wide to the fence. Dawson went with the bumper on Carl Pears (409) just ahead of the leader as Parker crossed the line to take the chequered flag for the Ray Goudy Trailer Repairs Driver of the Year, Dawson taking Pears to the fence in turn 1; Austen Freestone (341) also getting caught up in the process. Russell finishing second and Dorling third.

John Riley (108) led off the first Allcomers, 26 cars on track; the drop of the green saw the red graders plant the fence George Boult JNR (56) and Lewis Gallie (182) bearing the brunt, Gallie, going round into a spin as a result. Nick Antwerpen (153) and Simon Venni (570) clashed in to the backstraight, Venni ending up facing the wrong way by the pitgate; Martyn Lake (573) and Carl Pears (409) also spinners out of turn 3; Pears collected by a number of the red grades in the process. Austen Freestone (341) dropped out of the lead tripping over Riley down the homestraight; the 341 machine pushed broadside down the straight into turn 1. Barry Russell (600) went in with the bumper on Cole Atkins (399) in to turn 1, whilst Diggy Smith (116) and Daniel Parker (306) battled it out also. The mid pack bunching up as the bumpers continued to be exchanged; Wesley Starmer (525) the next victim who was spun out after Smith snookered Carl Boswell (84) in to the back of him in turn 3. Matthew Fuller (270) was dumped in turn 1 and left across the turn, with the field no where to go, the 270 machine was collected a number of times. Yellow flags called for. Luke Dawson (2) led them off on the restart. Boult was quickly taken around by Tommy Barnes (26) out of turn 3, whilst in turn 1 Timmy Barnes (131) slammed Parker and Gallie to the plating; both going round in to a spin in the process; again the field no where to go piled in. Starmer went in with the bumper in to turn 3 on Boswell, snookered in to Atkins and Boult, the number 56 going round once more in to a spin. Max Stott (157) now joined them, the former World Champion feeling the full force of Boswell’s bumper, as 84 slammed in Stott to the turn 3 plating. The lap boards now presented to Dawson; Russell in second and Barnes (26) in third, both rapidly closing in as the laps ticked by. In to the last lap and Russell went in with the bumper in to turn 1, moving ahead down the backstraight. Dawson tried to get the cut back in turn 3, and the pair dragged race to the line; Russell just nudging it took the win, Dawson an excellent second and Barnes (26) in third.

Allcomers 2 went off with 20 cars on track, led by Robert Heanes (192). Cole Atkins (399) was sent to the fence in turn 3 before reaching the green, as Martyn Lake (573) went around to a spin. Atkins was again collecting the fence, this time in turn 3 after being forced out wide by the charging Superstars. Ivan Street (420) went to the fence in turn 3 courtesy of Craig Mitchell (296), Street riding the fence was flicked over in rollover. Red flags called for. Heanes led them off, but he was quickly demoted by the pack at the green flag, Matthew Fuller (270) muscling his way by for the lead, but the bumpers went in to the first bend, Simon Venni (570) doing the pushing, dropped on Luke Dawson (2), Wesley Starmer (525) and Heanes, saw Fuller taken sideways and Starmer spun round whilst Dawson attacked Venni into turn 3. Nick Antwerpen (153) was under fire from Lewis Gallie (182), the pair spun around as a result in turn 3. Tommy Barnes (26) went in with the bumper on Timmy Barnes (131) as Barry Russell (600) offered the same to Venni, Venni went in to return the compliment on Russell and Barnes, Daniel Parker (306) also going in with the bumper on Venni. Deane Mayes (730) latched on the back of Venni in to turn 1 and made sure he rattled the fence. Barnes (26) now your leader. Barnes (131) was battling for second, in to turn 3, launching Dawson in to the back of Russell, both rattled the plating, and both spinning as a result, Diggy Smith (116) then attacked Barnes (131) as he recovered. The lap boards now out for Barnes (26) who took a clear win ahead of Parker in second and George Boult JNR (56) in third. Mitchell went in with a big last bender on Starmer and Antwerpen; the Dutchman in particularly collecting the fence hard. Starmer held on for eighth, Antwerpen ninth and Mitchell snaking across the line for the last spot in tenth.


V8 Hotstox

Heat 1 was led off by Kain Laird (459); 18 cars on track. Guy Jolly (222) went in with the bumper on Dannie Schoales (553) in turn 3, as Darren Cottrill (575) offered the same to Amy Jagger (525), whilst newly crowned World Champion Olly Spencer (1) battled Kevin Stuchbury (131) further back. Stuchbury dropping down the order after being shunted wide by Spencer, with help from Catherine Harris (8). The lap boards were soon presented Gillen Bullock (10) your leader, Jolly second and Cottrill third. Richard Pursey (174) went in with the bumper on Spencer in to turn 3, the pair spinning in the process, Stuchbury collecting Spencer with no where to go as he spun, the pair hooking up headed towards the plating in the exit of turn 3; they recovered and got back going, Spencer snookered Harris into Stuchbury in turn 1, Stuchbury returning the compliment with more interest into turn 3, the World Champion collected the fence. Bullock the winner, Jolly finished second and Cottrill third.

Heat 2 was led off by James Billows (402, as Luke Jackson (470) gave it too much right foot and went around, Glen Pursey (170) also a spinner, courtesy of Richard Pursey (174). Jackson was in further trouble when him and Abigail Stansfield (153) were in the wrong place at the wrong time, Stansfield in particular was squeezed up the fence by the hard charging stars and superstars; Stansfield going over in the process. Waved Yellows called for. Billows led them off. Pursey (170) went in with the bumper on the restart in to turn 1, taking Pursey (174) and Dave Sharp (63) out wide, the passing pack closed in and Pursey (174) was squeezed up the plating by the pit gate and once again the yellow flags called for with the 174 machine going over. The next restart faired a little longer – but not by much! Billows once again led them off, but he was challenged straight away by Kain Laird (459) at the green flag. Bullock went in with the bumper on Pursey (170) in to turn 3, as Guy Jolly (222) offered the same to Darren Cottrill (575). A lap later and Craig Smith (187) dived in on Pursey (170) into turn 3, which took Sharp to the plating; he too went over with the help of Smith as the pair momentarily tangled. A caution period called for, once more. Billows and Laird the top three on the restart, Gillen Bullock (10) in third; Laird eager to make a move on the lead hooked up with Billows allowing Bullock in to the lead, Cottrill close in and squeeze Laird out wide in to turn 1 for second. Billows caught Laird back up a lap or so later and duly went in on 459 in turn 3, Laird slamming the plating. Kevin Stuchbury (131) now muscled his by Jolly to take third as Smith launched Billows in to turn 1, Billows getting some air time off the plating, 402 rolling over too, remarkable the fourth V8 Hotstox on it’s roof this race. Red flags once again. Bullock led off the restart, Cottrill second and Stuchbury third. Into the restart and Stuchbury tried to find a way by Cottrill, after a couple of attempts Stuchbury bumpered his way past to take second, but Stuchbury couldn’t catch the quick blue grader who was clear up ahead; Bullock took the win, Stuchbury second; leaving Cottrill and Jolly to battle for third, the pair side by side down the backstraight and into the last bend; Jolly just ahead for third. Rounding out an unexpected V8 Hotstox Destruction Derby event.

After the destructive heat 2, 11 cars made it out for the final; led off by Glen Pursey (170). Declan Gwin (552) and Gillen Bullock (10) briefly battled in the early stages, as Darren Cottrill (575), Guy Jolly (222) did the same with Kevin Stuchbury (131), Stuchbury trying to use Jolly to move over Cottrill, but Jolly gained the advantage and pulled clear. The race settling in to a quick rhythm, the halfway stage was soon signalled. Jolly went in with the bumper on Bullock in to turn 3, but Bullock rode the shot well, allowing Cottrill and Stuchbury to close back in, Cottrill all over the back of Jolly in to turn 1. In to turn 3 and Stuchbury joined the back and pushed Jolly and Cottrill out wide to the plating; Pursey the leader, Bullock second and Stuchbury now moved up to third. Cottrill got on the inside of Stuchbury in turn 1 and hooked out the 131 machine, Stuchbury left facing the wrong way and Cottrill facing the wrong direction. Jolly now upto third as Bullock tried to find a way by Pursey. Cottrill back up to speed now found himself in the middle of Gwin, Jacob Downey (466) and Jon Brown (288); Cottrill going in with the bumper in turn 1, muscled his way back upto fourth. Bullock and Jolly and moved up and by Pursey to go first and second. Jolly going in with the bumper on Bullock in to turn  1 and then again in to turn 3 with more force to now take over the lead. A outside rear puncture on Cottrill’s car dropped him down the order just as he was looking to make a move on third place. Jolly took the win, Bullock second and Brown moved upto third at the flag.



F1 Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
W & Y 127 45 306 302 275 348 541 544 448 423 183 483
Heat 1 45 53 220 16 H880 94 34 5 278 544 348 275
Heat 2 1 150 H410 515 21 55 463 166 338 20 555 526
Consolation 212 217 335 345 215 13 306 175 445 183 136 337
Final 1 217 16 150 53 H410 166 175 212 306 5 20
Grand National 150 217 335 211 259 55 16 515 526 275 183 166
2L Stock Cars 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Driver of the Year 306 600 120 131 116 26 270 420 570 525
Allcomers 1 600 2 26 116 730 192 153 573 84 525
Allcomers 2 26 306 56 157 131 120 573 525 153 296
V8 Hotstox 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 10 222 575 187 131 298 8 1 552 63
Heat 2 10 131 222 575 552 298 459 170 525 1
Final 222 10 288 131 170 466 470 459 525 575
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